I'm listening to Bright Eyes right now. They have a song called "Old Soul Song," which I haven't heard from Nathan's super prolonged tape of Bright Eyes songs. Also, I hate to admit it, I was watching Glee. Given, I was watching Glee after I jerked off, but, however, I managed to watch several episodes earlier today on my laptop. The truth is I'm normal. The truth is that I'm not this badass muthafucker. I'm not the guy with all the extra baggage, I know most people are designed to see the first ten yards and figure out the rest, but I'm not like that. I get way more confusing as you go on, or way more normal, actually not normal, more reasonable maybe. But, probably more tolerable.
I tend to get the feedback that "I think" I'm the shit. I am. But I don't think it. It just so happens. And my inferiority is only the tell tell that's telling people that they just suck next to me. I'm not the shit. I'm just normal. In fact, I'm not normal, I'm pretty much just a vague person.
I'm pretty vague.
They might think I'm this guy who has a big dick or is making up his big dick, with severely sexual status updates, rampant suggestive phrase showdowns, all while hanging my elbows on the counter of a dive bar, but I'm really not that guy. Not that guy, to that extent. I'm really just me.
I'm not advertising a "get to know me" promo. I'm just saying. I'm just saying that I'm just saying this.
Oh hey there, blog...
10 years ago
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