Monday, August 23, 2010

At Large

I wonder what I should do about Grace.

Grace. <<
She went into a relationship a few weeks ago. Now every so often I check back with her profile, I see updates on who she is. It depresses me. The truth is, I fell for her. Since the first day, since the time I walked up to meet her, thinking, this is the one I'm going to take it slow with. This is the one who's going to stay. She didn't.

Like most PUA's, and like myself, I held out for the girl. Called her voicemail, and waited. Talked to her online, made plans to meet, and waited. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. She fell off the map. I saw her almost every time I got online. And I beat myself up for this little short punk music listening girl. I beat myself up for all women I meet and fail with.

I should just delete her.

But I know I won't. I know I'll regret it.

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