Friday, July 23, 2010

Calling People Douchebags.

Calling one of your friends douchebags desensatizes you from being a douchebag. Seriously. It's cool.

I watched The Hangover yesterday; it's hilarious, everyone knows that. But I was watching the trailer and my favorite part, where they part in front of the house in the background of the scene, Bradley Cooper yells, "Paging Doctor Faggot! Paging Doctor Faggot!" The thing is, if you watch the trailer they only use the word, "Paging Doctor Douchebag." Which is cool, but it gets you thinking.

A year or so ago I was listening to podcasts by Brad P, a PUA who took Brad Pitt's name and initial. Before I move forward, Brad P did that because when he introduced himself to other people he would say Brad, shake, and then Pitt for accelerated momentum of humor. I use to say my name's Stephanie. Anyways, Brad P was talking about Creepyville, the opposite of the Friendzone. He said the way to avoid creepyville is to talk about creepers. When you talk about "other" creepy people to your target she'll understand that you have some type of common sense. It's kind of like putting down your friends, or bashing on them, which is smart. It shows a more dominant playfulness when you can do that to other people.

When Bradley Cooper yells from his car, "Paging Doctor Faggot," or "Douchebag," or whatever, it doesn't seem all that mature. In fact, the stuck up chick in the scene is irritated. However, the total truth about it, is that the girl in the scene is annoyed, but everyone in the theatre, on their couch, in front of the computer, is laughing.

Humor is attractive.

. . .Dominance is attractive.

. . . . . . Put down your friends.

It's fun.


  1. this post is fun
    nuf said ... dr faggot
    yea thats right. im still giggling

  2. I dunno... I was laughing, but I was laughing at what a fucking idiot Bradley Cooper's character was.

    (on a possibly related sidenote: I hate Bradley Cooper...)
