Friday, July 30, 2010

The Club


yo i got your message on skype

you on skype

7:17am Aiden

yeah, i am learning to use it



thats cool

you ever get deleted by someone on facebook


mi sure i have


you sound so confidant about it

7:19am Aiden

well, i think i have been , there are times when the number of friends on facebook doesnt look the same, or i look for someone on my list and they arent there anymore, not a big deal

7:21am Me

im adding they're friends

and im going to find out how many of them i could have sex with

7:23am Aiden

you are adding who's friends ? why would you tell me something like that ? it makes you sound like an ass

7:23am Me

it makes me sound relative

7:23am Aiden

no trust me, sound like an ass

7:23am Me

dont you hate being the butt of everyone's jokes

like i doing this thing yesterday


okay so

this guy put up this thread on a forum about how he needs help with a dating profile

i gave him my help

and he didn't like me period and said he wouldn't ever take advice from me

and i told him he needs to cheer up and stop acting like an ass to people

then he put this long and heartfelt message about people like me

and as a final rebuttal i told him how everything he believes is stupid and wrong

you know what he did

he closed the thread

you know i did

i copy and pasted every single thing on that thread and started my own thread

and yeah, i looked like an asshole

but you know what, im proud i did it

because i stood up for myself

the end

sorry disconnect

7:28am Abel

so, , , what does this have to do with being deleted by someon on facebook, or trying to play mac ?


play mac?


trying to see how many people you want to have sex with



it doesn't matter


you know, the last few discussions we have had have really been dissapointing, your character has changed,

honestly , lacking depth


i know

i kinda figured

what was i like before


more genuine

more sincerity







(I laughed behind my computer)


i need a job

me too


where do you work now?

i dont


join the club

People who delete me on facebook

For every person I find on facebook that deletes me, consider all your friends banged.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Typing's Overrated


my lesbian friend is doing a dance prty in haight friday if u wanna come



what are you up to


set a curfew

got home 2 minutes before.

in bed. naked.



why don't you put some clothes on and talk to me skpe


i don't have skupe


that sucks

you got a webcam, it's like the new thing

typing is overrated


i have a webcam

i'm just drunka nd don't have skype and work ehlla early



well im gunna go watch stephen king movies

ill ttyl

1:23amJen is offline.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Letter of Perspective

I get a lot of these letters, a lot, so I wouldn't be posting this letter up if I didn't think it was different. I'm going to leave this anonymous not because I don't want to give him credit, but because we're an underground society, in where none of us get credit:

i remember once i bashed on you for preferring what i call p.e.e.b. (predominantly european ethnic based) girls over other types. thought you were biased and superficial. i found your blog and have to say that i was wrong about my initial impression of you.

i do hope that doing this, pick up will make you happy and fulfilled. people say that "it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all" and from what you write about, it seems like for almost all the girls you meet, they are like passing ships in the night. none seem to ever stick around, but come into your life, but leave just as quickly.

you are very good with cold approach where you can spike up their emotions, and get them to feel really good. you tease, and do push pull well, and genuinely like these girls you meet.

your stories on how you generate attraction so quickly is unbelievable. i don't know how you do it but it is insane. my material now is a mixture of sinn's stuff, afc adam, and soul's stuff. going direct, escalating as fast as possible. and try to create a really fast whirlwind romance.

my story is typical. i am 25 now. i am east asian, like so many of my pua brothers. i learned about the game when i was 24, and still a virgin. i had only kissed one girl before that time, and she was my cousin :(. i never had a girlfriend before but things have changed. got the numbers, got the kisses, got the make outs, got laid, got a girlfriend, got into a relationship. but they all have passed and i am back where i started.

i personally these days feel burned out by the game. i wish it would stop.

i keep on hearing about childhood friends and acquaintances getting married, getting engaged, having kids and moving on, moving forward with their life and i feel like i am left behind. my professional life is hurting as i try to go back to school. i have been laid off for more than a year but do make money in a few ways. i find that my social life has completely shrunk and my old friends don't want to hang out with me anymore.

do you ever follow this blog?


it is really good. right along with sinn's and entropy's stuff.

how do you not get burned out by game? i know that most of the reason why i feel burned out is because i feel like a failure in every area of my life, professional, health wise, socially, relationship wise, financially.

the times when the girl won't say yes even after she says that she is single. when they are laughing and enjoying being with you but they still have a boyfriend and are faithful to him.

i hate to admit but that old saying "all the good ones are taken" feels so god damn true. because anytime a true 9 or 10 of a girl ends a relationship, there are like 20 guys she knows who will try to swoop in to be with her.

i have approaches about 500-700 girls and every time i find a 10, she is always taken. i am just willing to accept a 8 right now if she is willing to accept me.

i hate the game, the way it is set up, the way life works out. i missed out on so much back in school, back when i was younger. i feel like i have to try so much harder to overcompensate for all of the underachievements i have incurred in my life, for all of the missed chances, all of the what ifs that i keep replaying as a simulation over and over again in my head.

i love the interaction when i first meet the girl, i love watching that sparkle of attraction in their eye, i love the banter and the closeness she and i share when a real true connection is made. i love the smell of the girl's hair, the soft gentle tender touches by her hands, the look of happiness the girls project when they realize that you genuinely cares about them. but the pain, the heart piercing pain, i just can't take. every time a girl says bye, everytime she says that there is no spark, i feel that pain. everytime the girl says that she is not ready, every time that the girl says that she and i are at different place in our lives, every time that the girl says that she still wants to be friends but only to eventually say that she doesn't even want that.

i want the perpetual torment of loneliness to stop.

i hate the fact that my old iranian coworker who refused to give me the time of day would head over hells for my peeb guy friend. i didn't even though about anything race and relationships until i was 21. i didn't know how bad so many other guys like me had it, but i was ignorant of it. i was stuck in my own world living in a fantasy but not i see how it is. and it sucks.

i am depressed at my life but i am not crazy. i know my limits and won't try something stupid.

so how do you do it, constantly go after girls knowing that she probably will not want to be with you or stay around?


To Anonymous:

I honestly don't know. I haven't cried yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if that one day I did. It's hard dealing with failure. It's just really hard. I'm in the same boat as you, and that's about it.

Everything that you've said, sounds about right.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

King Queen Offsuit


8:32pm: Me
y is everyone online on this fabulous saturday evening?

8:32pm: Kristí
you are t oo

8:33pm: Me
i know
it's a facebook party
could i get you a facebook drink
im pretty sure they have them somewhere here

8:33pm: Kristí
most likely

8:34pm: Me
i keep getting low pair in poker
its not exactly my luck
but my negative thinking is gunna make me lose the game

8:35pm: Kristí

8:35pm: Me
what are you doing
i could go to marin right now and party
but that would cost me 20 buckanos

8:35pm: Kristí
ew why

8:35pm: Me
it's marin
i live in san mateo
i like kittens
i really really like kittens

ok im going all in with king queen off suit
and lost

8:39pm: Kristí
no idea what that means

8:39pm: Me
it's like algebra
but with a moveable x variable
it's like trying to guess where a certain species of frog is in the northern coast of south america
it's constantly changing

8:43pm: Kristí
man you're intense
do you like the military?

8:44pm: Me

. . .are you asking such marvelous questions

8:45pm: Kristí
i dunno

8:45pm: Me
do you think im a mercenery
with hard boiled abs

8:46pm: Kristí

8:46pm: Me
do you like hard boiled eggs

8:47pm: Kristí
on occasion

8:47pm: Me
do you like deeep fried

8:48pm: Kristí
deep fried hard boiled eggs?

8:48pm: Me
really deep

fried eggs

8:49pm: Kristí

8:49pm: Me
i like them wet

like not all the way cooked

8:50pm: Kristí
ill go for scrammbled

8:50pm: Me
you like them beaten

8:51pm: Kristí

uh huh

8:51pm: Me

liked whipped almost

8:51pm: Kristí

hey is this conversation getting sexual

8:51pm: Me


if anything

it's getting very not sexual

like farm things

8:52pm: Kristí


whipped beaten i just.....i think....... idunno

8:53pm: Me


you like your sex whipped and beaten
oh no kristi we cant have that now

8:53pm: Kristí
hey im a virgin



you like to be whipped

like in an encouter with punishment




i prefer my eggs sexy


with butter


i could image you with butter

cooking eggs

with half and half

and a whisk

Kristi is offline

Friday, July 23, 2010

Calling People Douchebags.

Calling one of your friends douchebags desensatizes you from being a douchebag. Seriously. It's cool.

I watched The Hangover yesterday; it's hilarious, everyone knows that. But I was watching the trailer and my favorite part, where they part in front of the house in the background of the scene, Bradley Cooper yells, "Paging Doctor Faggot! Paging Doctor Faggot!" The thing is, if you watch the trailer they only use the word, "Paging Doctor Douchebag." Which is cool, but it gets you thinking.

A year or so ago I was listening to podcasts by Brad P, a PUA who took Brad Pitt's name and initial. Before I move forward, Brad P did that because when he introduced himself to other people he would say Brad, shake, and then Pitt for accelerated momentum of humor. I use to say my name's Stephanie. Anyways, Brad P was talking about Creepyville, the opposite of the Friendzone. He said the way to avoid creepyville is to talk about creepers. When you talk about "other" creepy people to your target she'll understand that you have some type of common sense. It's kind of like putting down your friends, or bashing on them, which is smart. It shows a more dominant playfulness when you can do that to other people.

When Bradley Cooper yells from his car, "Paging Doctor Faggot," or "Douchebag," or whatever, it doesn't seem all that mature. In fact, the stuck up chick in the scene is irritated. However, the total truth about it, is that the girl in the scene is annoyed, but everyone in the theatre, on their couch, in front of the computer, is laughing.

Humor is attractive.

. . .Dominance is attractive.

. . . . . . Put down your friends.

It's fun.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Half Eaten Bites of Cake

I scanned the sink. Half eaten bites of cake, empty cans of Tecate and brown bottles of beer surrounded the counter tops. I looked through the cupboards, no cups. It’s 3am at Allison’s birthday party and I’m thirsty. The alcohol in my system has diminished bringing me down to normal less reckless speed, and I’m thirsty. The chocolate birthday cake lay eaten bare handed by so many people that it looks like a meteor blew right through the center leaving little bits of cake debris falling everywhere around it. I’m not that hungry.

Allison, one of the other Allison's at the party walked into the kitchen. She walked passed me and smiled. She’s a small pale skinned brunette, with a tight angled European nose and small lips. She opened the refrigerator door, knelt down to the bottom shelf, and searched.

She looked up at me and smiled. “Hi I’m Allison,” she said.

* * * * * *

It was only last week when I first met Allison.

It was the July 4th party at the other house. I had just made out with Nicole, and I felt cheap. I was having a good time, introducing myself to everywhere. A funny witty remark here and there. Even a game of chicken where I slipped my head in between the legs of my new friendly acquaintance Camille and lifted her up on my shoulders. Then came Nicole. In a dark room, with the thumping beats of dance music. I haven’t even spoke to her yet. I took behind her as she stretched her neck out in front me. My friend’s were happy for me. They snuck in and out of the entrance of the room, smirking and pointing. I felt cheap.

Nicole had her head nestled into the chest of another guy where Allison was sitting. I put my arm and coat around Allison as we talked about break ups, ex’s, and a whole world of being single. I could hear Nicole making out with someone else.
After Allison went back into the house, I chatted a bit. When I came back in went into a room where everyone was sleeping and softly picked chords on the guitar. My friend opened the door to find me sitting on the floor.
“Hey don’t flirt with Allison, she got really freaked out by you.”

* * * * *

I shook Allison’s hand as she knelt by the refrigerator, “I’m Jon,” I said even though this was the second time.
“Haven’t we met,” she said, “You were the one with the red sweater at the July 4th party.”
“Oh, you mean the one who you got totally freaked out about and told my friend I shouldn’t talk to you anymore,” I said in a jolly good hearted tone.
Her face crashed into embarrassment.
“Oh, I’m sorry," she whimpered, "I didn’t mean that about you, I was just on edge because this other guy was flirting with me the whole time. Like there’s this guy right now who actually just asked me out outside.”
“Wow, sounds creepy.”
“Yeah, this pasty short white kid that I didn’t even know me, wanted to go out with me, it’s just really creepy.”
She brought up why she was on edge last week. How Nicole was making out with the guy she wanted to hook up with. I told her about my little shenanigan with Nicole, and we talked for a moment. It was a comforting moment, even as far as an apologetic moment.

I spent the rest of the night talking to the birthday about everything in life. She had a girlfriend. She was a lesbian, and her girlfriend was there, so it was all in good play. I slept there, woke up, talked for a bit, laughed, and left.



Athena. I had a job at a hotel restaurant. Not a big one, and for the most part I was the only server. It was month later, and my supervisor wouldn't give me my god damn tip ticket, so I could get tips. 1 month. It takes about a week, and my stupid Hindu accented, stuck up in his imaginary palace, was the all knowing all dancing fucknut who just wouldn't give me my ticket. The job wasn't hard. And for someone to tell me that I couldn't to an easy job, was total bullshit.

I sat in my car, after one of the cooks, a swedish tall guy just wouldn't stop yelling at me because I couldn't grab a piece of wax paper that was stuck to another piece of wax paper. I cried. Athena was on the other line as I cried. I told her God doesn't like me, that I just could not get a break, that he's keeping me from doing anything. It doesn't matter how long and how hopeful I was in the church. I was still a monster. I cried. Maybe you should be nicer to people, she said.

* * * * *

Tonight, I stood idle while my brother pushed his girlfriend around in the living room. The minute I saw his arm cock back I jumped up, but he dropped it. I stood there doing nothing, standing with my arms crossed in the dark. I was eating chicken at the dining room table awhile later, just watching him yell, and criticize, and verbally hurt his girlfriend, hugging her tightly as she cried so that she couldn't get away. And tell the cops.

I just wanted to go back to playing guitar. I didn't do anything, just watched and waited for him to hit her. Why not stop it? Why not call the cops? Because he's my brother, and she chose to be here with him. This isn't the first time, this is just part of a long line of events that both have to do with stupid people. I could fight him off, I could fight him off every time. But, I'm not willing to do that if she comes back the day after. It's stupid. I can't help but wonder though, how much of the stupidity runs in our family.

I'm not a violent person. Yeah, I thought seriously about killing hundreds of children in my middle school. I was the poor kid. I was also 12. A lot happened since middle school. But, still, as the reverberation of my brother yelling strung deep into my ears, I just wonder how much of that violence is still in me.

I'm scared for me. I'm scared for the women that surround me. Why do people fight? Argue? Run away? The people on the forum say I can't live by my past, that I have to move forward. They also say if I convey these tendencies, it'll turn off women. I'm not a monster. As much as God, church, friends, and family want me to be, I'm not. I should write it in big letters across my walls.

Why do they deserve happiness, and I don't.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Minx is in a relationship....

It strikes a chord that breaks your veins and makes you weak. That title. She's in a relationship now, probably won't be single for another year or two. It's best that I just forget about her, maybe delete her off of facebook. Stupid facebook, keeping me in touch with everything that I've made contact with. Stupid facebook.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Does my mom need to cry?

My mom's old. She's married to a hard worked husband, and 6 children, half of which aren't doing so well; me included. My mother and I had an argument in where she was at fault. This problem that occured, it's a continuous dilemma, and she knows she's at fault. I was yelling at her. You know that time where you when you tell someone to do something, and then you tell them to do something, and then you tell them and tell them, and yet they manage to cut through the 4 minutes your not looking, and do exactly the opposite of what you've spent your life hoping would get through her head. After the problem was resolved, I felt that tension, that uneasy oxygen. I walked over to my mom and wrapped my arms around her. I told her I was sorry for yelling, and that I don't want to have to act like that. But then, she started pretending to cry.

I'm 23 years old. I've seen the act so many times I'm desanitized. My brother walks into the door practically everyday and just yells at my mom. No reason needed, just yelling. Stupid stuff like why isn't there specifically any coral calcium in the cabinets. He's 32. He's also been in and out of jail since he was in high school. He's the result of too much exposure to crystal meth. Drugs like crystal meth kill off your brain cells, and fuck with your emotions. Moodswings, bipolarity, violence, and most importantly, the suffocating yearning to feel wanted. Everyday my mom's awake and my brother's in the same room, it's the same argument. If my mom's asleep, I've witnessed him banging on my parents bedroom door, just so he could criticize, "their way of life." However, when it comes to me, I wrap my arms around my mom, feel the shaking insides belting out, and feel her "trying" to cry. Forcing herself to cry. As if this is her moment to shine on her annual stage.

I told her stop. Told her to stop pretending. I know she bottles all of this emotion up, but does she need to cry. Is that healthy? Is that really what you're supposed to do with all those emotions? Isn't there a healthy less sacrificial way to perspire all this stuff? Can't we just fly kites. That's my question.

The problem had to do with laundry. My mom touched my laundry. A lot of people wouldn't understand my disattachment of my laundry to my mother. But my mom's a horder. She hordes things. She hordes garbage. She hordes other people's garbage. The path from her bedroom door to the bed, is a narrow squeeze between 10 gallon garbage bags and take home plastic bags from Safeway. Within minutes my one load of laundry, all the clothes I have, were in 7 different piles hidden in her room. My mom loves laundry. My mom loves to help.

Originally written for, July 19th 2010.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Masterpiece Theatre: Weird Nerdy Girl

-Sorry about the old material, I just got a computer and just got settled in. I'm bringing in some classic Trig for your enjoyment, so enjoy dammit! -Trig

(Written 7-13-2009)

So I went to the nearest mall yesterday and decided to work on going direct. I haven’t gone direct, and it sucks because it seems like the really good looking guys use direct openers, and for some reason I don’t. I’m a good looking guy, I’ll just plain come out and say it; I’m good looking.

I just got some inspiration from another PUA by reading his field report. In his field report he goes direct, and everything else smoothly masterpieces itself itself together. So I went to the mall with the aim for going direct.

I got to the bookstore, saw a friend, didn’t see any targets.(there usually isn’t anyone sarge worthy locally) A friend pointed me out, so I talked for a bit, seemed like an ass, and left. She didn’t care. Everyone who puts up with me already realizes that my human nature is asshole-ish. It’s not. But I wouldn’t tell them either way, I like the freedom to say bullshit and then blow people’s minds with ethical philosophy.

Anyways, back to the story.
I ended up sitting with that friend girl, and I saw this one asian chick, HB>7, and I thought okay I’ll sarge her, and see where it goes. I get up, she turns into the magazine section, and I lose her. Freak’n 50 yards away, and I lose contact. Damn.
I end up walking around the fiction area, and a random girl wearing a skimpy skirt and black stockings passes behind me. I barely catch her face. I could see her body posture. Slouchy. Hands dangling in front like a T-Rex. Glasses. Mad scientist projected personality.

I didn’t see her face, but I already knew she was a total nerd.
This morning when I saw the field report, and the picture that was in it, I realized something. I should stop trying to pick up weird girls, nerd girls, and girls with very limited social ability. Every time I pick up an HB8 and up, everything runs smooth. Too bad, locally, we don’t get much of those. I’m just getting into bars now.

Anyways, back to the story.
I hover behind a book aisle maybe 2 aisles away from her. I fucked up the 3 second rule, so now I’m behind her silently mouthing what a direct opener sound like, y’know, vocally. I’ve moved up from opinion openers, to perching myself on situational openers. Direct openers, were way out of my inventory.

I come up to her, pass her aisle frantically, and come back.
Fuck the direct opener! She’s a nerd, I don’t think she’ll buy it either way.
I come up to her. Don’t touch her. And game begins.

Trig: Hey are you an art student? (3 feet away)
HB: . . . . . (obviously flabbergasted)
Trig: Yeah, you kind of have this whole art thing going on. Are you an Art student.
HB: Well I’m an art student, but I’m not an Art student per say.
Trig: So you go to Academy of Art?
HB: No. (She talks in slow stretched out segments) I actually go to a community college.
Trig: Cool! (I could feel the foreplay of silence overbearing on my shoulders) Yeah, I just saw you from over there, and I thought you were cute so I totally had to talk to you.
HB: . . . . (awkward. Anyways it could’ve been my hypothesis, or could have been my deliver, either way, it was not amusing.)
Trig: So what are you doing here.
HB: Well I came here to look at books.
Trig: So you’re really big on books (At this point, I understand that my nature melted down to asking rather consecutive screening questions. I use to be so much better.)
HB: Well no, I don’t usually go to bookstores, but I actually went to Borders already.
Trig: Hold on, you’re a Capricorn aren’t you.
HB: Why do would you say that?

Then I splurge into a shitload of routines. None of them work.

Some examples:

Me: Pick a number between 1 and 10.
HB: I don’t want to.

Me: Let me see your hand. (Palm reading) Okay so this is.
HB: No (Takes hand away.)

Me: Okay, so Imagine yourself in a strawberry field.
HB: I don’t like strawberries.

NOTHING! NADDA! No hope what so ever.

This is what saved me. . .

Have you read this book?
Target stares at me as I pull a book off the shelves. She says she doesn’t like poetry. I pull a book by Ernest Hemingway off the shelves.
“I don’t like Ernest Hemingway,” Target says, “All his books are about the same thing; immasculated men.”

A lot more of this stuff for the next 45 minutes. A lot more books, authors, titles. Jane Austen, Brave New World, Anne Rice. She pulls out books that have everything to do with depression and severed limbo.
“Here!” I say pointing to a poetry book.
“Yeah I like John Keats.”
I feel like I’m slowly turning her page. I kinda realize, I’m constantly just pulling in a push pull objective. In other words, I’m failing miserably gamewise. But hey she isn’t HB qualified. I figure, the longer the set takes, the more underlying comfort I build anyways.
She’s a weird chick.
Weird chicks aren’t exactly game linear.

After about maybe eighty something books, she said she wants something cold. Jamba Juice. I haven’t really kino’d except for some light, very light, pressing on her epidermis (very boring touching.) I haven’t gotten a number either. I really don’t feel like pushing a number close on a girl that’s pushing away a comfort invite.
“I think I’ll go to Jamba Juice.”
I don’t reply in anyway except for trying to keep my cool.
“You could come if you’d like.”
YES! Some compliance!

As we walk out I ask her if she’s going to kidnap me. I forget what she said, but it was witty. We go to Jamba Juice.
We go to Jamba Juice, I order a sandwich wrap. And as we head back to the car, I tell her to walk over to some arbitrary tree. She shrugs restlessly. We walk to the tree. As soon as we get to the tree, she says, “Is there a reason you brought me to this tree.”

Nope. We walk back to the car. We talk for a few minutes. I find myself building some sort of comfort, its not poster comfort but it does okay. I number close her using a PUA tactic where I just pass her my phone and she’s suppose to know what to do. I get, “why are you giving me your phone?” I explain to her that the invention of the telephone was to correlate numbers with a specific code, granting me linear privilege to speak on relative terms. I tell her that I want her number, and I want it now.

We head over to a High School to walk on a trail. She’s reluctant to get out of the car. Her car. She ends up getting out. We walk into the campus first so I could use the bathroom. We walk around the school. We walk we walk. There’s a dried up creek and we walk on that. Walk walk walk.

I take a drink at the tennis court, and she waits for me.
“....Hey so are you an Art Student?” I say nostalgically playful, I could feel her find the glitch in the matrix. “Because you look like an Art Student with all the black. Yeah so, I just saw you from over there and I just couldn’t resist talking to you.”
“Repetative are we?”
Dusk falls on top of us. We’re sitting in the car again. She says, where to now? We head over to hillsdale. We’re at another bookstore. She buys a book. We stand in line. Buys the book. And then I tell her to sit down on the café chairs for awhile. She reluctantly comes. She tells me she’d rather sit in the car, as we drive home. I’m whatever.
We get on 101 North.
This is where things get Juicy!
She asks me, so what year did you graduate from Highschool? We went to the same high school. I say, 2005.
“Oh so I was a freshmen when you were a senior.” Her.
“Yeah.” Me.
“So you know my sister.”
“What’s her name?”
“Nina. . .”

It takes me a second. I use to like this girl named Stacey. Stacey hung out with a girl named Nina. They were both in Drama class, for stage crew. Kate, the target, was in stage crew too. I use to hit on Nina back in highschool, way before the game, way before normalcy. Today I’m hitting on the same girl. Same blood. Different girl.
For awhile I reply with, “That’s cool.”

Then I realize something, this is the only topic where we can overlap history. Overlapping history to women, is like the color red to Tuscan bulls. It's why James Marsden loses to Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. It's the underlying tone to most greek tragedies. I expand on her sister being her sister. She doesn’t like her sister because of some random driving incident. And for a minute, I comply with her.
But Eureka moment!
Boyfriend destroyer.

I pull the boyfriend destroyer theory on the target. Instead of a boyfriend, it’s her sister. We build a lot more compliance. We finally get to the parking lot where we met so I could switch over to my car, and we end up sitting in her car for hours, and I tell her basically my life story. (I know bad. But I also know, not the usual girl)

How I met her sister. How I know Stacey. How I use to like Stacey. How everyday I wanted to blow up my middle school so parents would have to pick up pieces of their children. She gets a kick out of it, she’s a weird girl. How I joined sports. How I’m super cocky. She’s a weird girl. I go through stories and stories over stories.
Are you listening? I could leave if you want me to.
No, I’m listening. It’s fine, she says, the raw hope of a smile lining her lips.

I build a lot of kino. A lot! FYI: she has never been kissed. She’s not ugly, not ugly at all. Just hasn’t been kissed. Just weird. I start doing things like wrestling her hands Pushing her as she pushes me back. Hands intertwined. There’s a time where I actually spend like 13 minutes just caressing her ear. No talking; just quiet touching of her ear.

We argue about her smoking. I don’t smoke. We wrestle for the lighter.
A lot more other random crap happens. I try to waltz with her. It’s horrible. I force her to do a twirl, and it looks like it's breaking her arm like a pro wrestler trying to do a move.

By 11:56, she kicks me out of her car. I give her a one handed hug, and force a kiss on her cheek. Twice. She squeals disgustedly of course. As I walk I could feel the particles of moist nightly air while I watch her car skiddattle.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm making a comeback

HEY GUYS! Anyone miss me and my crazy antics.

Well I miss me and writing my crazy antics. I just got a computer. I just got internet availability. And woot woot!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

From the forums:

Anybody else notice how obscenely bizarre Tigger's life appears to be?

(also anonymous)
This sounds great
but I often wonder if your topics are actually things that happen to you
great entertainment nonetheless


Author: It's all real, I assure you, this isn't fictional.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

umm. huh?

Apparently, there's a lot of sexy 16 year olds at the library.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I don't belong here

I'm a groupie. I know it. My friends band is bad ass, but I'm not their friend friend. I'm their groupie. I go to their shows, I went to high school with them; I'm a groupie. They don't call me on weekends, okay, sometimes they do, but they don't call me to sit around the couch because nothing else is going on. They don't talk to me about who likes who in their social circle. I'm just a guy who comes in, and watches. I don't fit in here.

On the night of my birthday, I met some really cool people from Marin when I was crashing bonfires with a friend. They had the largest bonfire, the largest group of people, and hula hoops. All I had to say was, "The police kicked us out of our bonfire, could we join yours." Then later, I told them it was my birthday and they sang the birthday song at midnight. They were open to people. They talked about broad random subjects, sex, beer, the absence of beer, work, very broad subjects. I fit in with them. I fit in because they didn't have a niche.

They had no niche, they weren't trendy, and most of all, I didn't have to fit in. It was just cool people, with cool open arms. They wore hoodies, sweatpants, and sandals. My friends at the rockshows, well they have guitars. My friends who were in cross country, they're cross country runners. I've always wondered what it'd be like to go meet up with other writers, but I lost my laptop. I wear the same thing everyday: blue jeans and a white v neck shirt. I don't have a niche. Music isn't my life. Sports was my life, but it isn't now. Church, family, culture, not exactly my cup of tea. I'm nicheless. And I belong nicheless.